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New release of Perceval: Slack support now available!

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Perceval is the Grimoire Lab tool that gives the first step for allowing Grimoire to gather automatic and incremental data for almost any tool related with contributing to Open Source.

Grimoire Lab architecture draft, showing its different pieces
Grimoire Lab Architecture (draft). Some pieces still under heavy development

Perceval goes on the quest to retrieve and gather data from git, GitHub, Bugzilla, JIRA, Gerrit, mbox, pipermail, StackExchange, Discourse, etc.   for producing valuable indices, with GrimoireELK.

New release: Perceval 0.7.0

The new release increase the brunch of sources supported, gaining accuracy for the tracking of the project.

New features and improvements:

  • New set of backends added (some of them sponsored by our clients):
  • RateLimitError exception added for handling rate limit errors.
  • Code was cleaned to follow most of the PEP8 style guidelines.

Backend improvements:

  • git
    • retry calls on SSH commands were added to avoid temporal server errors
  • github
    • HTTP 404 errors are managed when user’s organizations are fetched
    • generic RateLimitError exception is used

Bugs fixed:

  • In Mediawiki backend, the log messages written when a revision is not found were set to ERROR when the real level should have been WARNING.
  • The URL used to fetch jobs in Jenkins was not common to all servers.
  • When UUIDs are generated with some input data, some errors may be raised due to problems encoding invalid characters on the input. To avoid these problems, a surrogate escape control error has been set when data is encoded to UTF8. (#123)
  • Handle Meetup requests rate limit. (#126)

We want you to test Perceval and Grimoire following the under development tutorial. If you are a GitHub user you might try  The Cauldron for free to analyze some GitHub organizations. And of course, feedback, issues and pull requests are always welcome!!!



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